
Fuel debris retrieval

There are two methods for fuel debris retrieval, including the partial submersion top-access method, and the partial submersion side-access method. We organize the plant information for retrieval of fuel debris and structures within reactors, study methods, systems and equipment for retrieval, and creat a plan for development of retrieval systems and equipment.

At the same time that we assess the feasibility of water leakage stoppage and repair methods in multiple PCVs, while considering an overall analysis and assessment of reactor status, we must assess PCV integrity and fuel debris criticality risk for each fuel debris retrieval method, and proceed with development of technology to ensure integrity and to detect and avoid criticality risk in response to those factors.

It is also necessary to respond to issues that are common to each method, such as the effort to reduce radiation dose rates, which is necessary in order to develop retrieval technology, including collection, transfer, and storage of fuel debris, and for work inside reactor buildings.

We perform engineering tasks such as R&D depending on the characteristics of each Unit, and design for application to the actual equipment, based on the previously mentioned efforts.

The whole picture of decommissioning strategies and issues

The whole picture of decommissioning strategies and issues -Fuel debris retrieval-

R&D efforts

Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of fuel debris and FP status

Ensuring safety for fuel debris retrieval (1) (Structural integrity)

Ensuring safety for fuel debris retrieval (2) (Criticality safety control)

Ensuring safety for fuel debris retrieval (3) (Construction of containment function)

Development of method and system for fuel debris retrieval

Containing, transportation and storage of retrieved fuel debris

Plant investigation, measurement data, and information

Efforts to understand the plant status at each of Units 1 to 3, and for fuel debris retrieval (Updated January 21, 2025)

(METI, Secretariat of the Team for Countermeasures for Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Treatment)

Plant-related parameters
Fukushima Daiichi NPS survey map
Common data presented by Benchmark Study of the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (BSAF) related to accident progression analysis according to OECD/NEA
Information Portal for the Fukushima Daiichi Accident Analysis and Decommissioning Activities
Collection of figures of data on in-core situation (Updated regularly, August 2018)
  • Figures of temperature, dose rate, amount of water injection, etc. in each Unit (PDFWord file)
Collection of links to data on in-core situation ( January 8, 2020)
Chronology (Events after the accident, in-core situation, etc.) (Updated regularly, September 2018)