
About Information Portal for the Research and Development for the Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning

Decommissioning TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi NPS (hereinafter called “1F decommissioning”) is a frontier challenge for R&D and it may last for several generations. Thus, it is important to enhance effort and mutual cooperation between industry, academia and government, as well as to make it sustainable.

Therefore, it is important that all researchers and engineers who are involved share a consciousness for solving this national challenge of 1F decommissioning through science and technology, and work continuously to create and share knowledge. The key is to expand open and organic communications as well as understanding and respecting each effort, and to obtain the participation of researchers and engineers from diverse specialties in R&D areas.

In order to strengthen integrated management of R&D, from application to basic R&D, the Team for Countermeasures for Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Treatment set up the NDF Decommissioning R&D Partnership Council in May 2015. And it decided “Basic Policy on Strengthening R&D Cooperation for Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management” at its first meeting in July 2015.”

Since then, the council is discussing and further promoting actions regarding practical efforts and issues for strengthening R&D cooperation.

Aims and contents of this portal site

  • In order to address highly difficult technical problems in 1F decommissioning, the Decommissioning R&D Partnership Council aims to strengthen R&D cooperation for practical/applied research development and basic/generic research, and has presented the following 4 “direction of future efforts” as an action plan.
  •   ● The status of efforts based on “basic policy” and “direction of future efforts”, and future plans
  • 1) Releasing and sharing information on the direction of R&D needs and seeds, and building a foundation
      - NDF shall start a study for building an integrated information platform for R&D needs and seeds, and current efforts.
    2) Strengthening the opportunities for mutual cooperation and expanding participation of diverse researchers
      - Bridging to make mutual cooperation practical and effective, centering on the NDF
      - Efforts such as “Decommissioning basic research platform”, and an overall research map, etc.
    3) Enhancing cooperation at research facilities and research sites
    4) Enhancing efforts on developing, securing and circulating human resources
  • As the first action for “building an integrated information platform for R&D needs and seeds” described above, the NDF built this portal site under the cooperation of related institutes for efficient and smooth access to information on R&D needs and seeds, and R&D efforts from basic to applied R&D. It aims to be a base for releasing and sharing information, to contribute to strengthening a mutual cooperation, and to expand participation of diverse researchers as well.
  • Until now, we had to access information and data related to the 1F decommissioning one by one, as each related institute provided and released them separately, and also it was not easy to find. For this reason, this portal site offers the following contents to make it easy to access related information in an integrated manner.
    • R&D efforts in response to issues at 1F plant (research needs)
    • Fruits of R&D efforts (including video and images of verification at 1F plant)
    • Related basic and generic research efforts (research seeds)
    • Data and environmental conditions of the sites
  • Among these, the following information regarding R&D shall be provided and released through this portal site (initial version) for now, and further content will be added in the future.
    • Governmentally funded R&D that is being conducted for application and utilization at the 1F plant.
      ・ Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (a “national project”)
      ・ Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), The Center of World Intelligence Project for Nuclear S&T and Human Resource Development
      ・ Basic research and facility construction by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)’s operational grant
    • R&D conducted by TEPCO and plant manufacturers for application at the 1F plant
  • The information to be posted and linked to on this portal site is publically released information from related institutions’ websites. Non-public information shall not be handled here.
  • We plan to upgrade this site step by step, based on the ideas and requests of all related institutions.

Operations and management

  This portal site is operated and managed by NDF.

Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation (NDF) Decommissioning Office

Headquarters address: Akasaka Intercity 11F, 1-11-44 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan